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Self-Care Survival Guide for Expecting Mommies
How to use this course (2:29)
My Birth and Postpartum Story (3:09)
Preparing for self-care once Baby arrives
Reflection Exercise (2:09)
How will my body be impacted after delivery?
Setting realistic expectations (1:41)
8 Misconceptions about postpartum health (4:10)
Common Issues after childbirth
Restoring Digestive Health
Techniques to aid digestion (9:03)
Reconnecting abdominal muscles and relieving back pain
Checking for abdominal splitting (4:47)
Diaphragmatic Breathing (2:50)
Core Activation (3:28)
Posture (7:43)
Rehabilitating the pelvic floor
Regaining urinary continence (6:39)
Relieving vaginal soreness (4:00)
Monitoring your mental health
The hormonal roller coaster (3:17)
Hormonal support- Digestion (1:12)
Hormonal support- Deep Breathing and Meditation (4:53)
Leaning on Community
Setting up help (5:30)
Bonus Material
Preparing your pernineum for delivery (4:06)
Listening to your body and breathing during labor (4:05)
Protecting health during COVID-19 (2:12)
Wrap up
Assembling your survival toolkit (2:01)
When to resume workouts and physical activity (4:44)
Progress Tracker
Assembling your survival toolkit
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